Thursday, October 4, 2007

Update? No.............nada! But here's his pic again!

OK, still waiting on travel news. But, staying busy or trying to.......I have purchased all the OTC meds we may need, could, possibly use while in VN! We were told you can't get the same OTC meds there or we need a Rx to get them there? So, I have bought out Walgreens, children's/adults cold meds, every possible cream/creature comfort we may need? So, I continue to prepare/pack for the trip!'s keeping me busy/preoccupied with something I have some control over! Actually, I have tons to do, or could do, but my thoughts keep turning to this little guy! Here he is again! Oh, also another fav, my little baby girl, Claire! She LOVES her Peruvian hat! A beautiful combination of two continents, Asia and South America! Thanks Uncle Mikey for the beautiful gifts!

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