Friday, July 25, 2008

Happy B'Day Bebe Noli! You Are 1 Year Old!

We celebrated Baby Noli's 1st Bday! It is hard to believe our baby boy has just turned 1! He is such a sweet, beautiful baby! We had a fabulous party for him, surrounded by wonderful friends! His Godparents (Kendi, Mark) and Godbrothers, Colin, Grant, Cam, arrived, accompanied by Grandma Linda, Aunt Kristy and her wonderful family! Thank you all so very much! You made the day so very special! We had lots of outdoor water fun, followed by presents and then diving into a big chocolate cake! Enjoy the pics! We just lOVE our baby boy! He is simply the BEST! We are so grateful each and every day to have such wonderful children and friends!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday big boy! Carole - he is just too cute! I love that smile and he looks amazing!

Dawn Edgar