Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Look Who's 11 Months Old!

One more month and our baby boy will turn 1! It has happened so quickly! He has been crawling now for a few months, is constantly pulling up on anything he finds! He has discovered climbing stairs, so the child gates have been installed everywhere! He is really a very sweet baby, very laid back (most of the time)and so very happy! Oh, and very quiet (that is, compared to Claire)! We just love him to death! All of our children bring us such joy! Here he is with his favorite toy, a popping ladybug (and, yes, dirty laundry in piles, an everyday occurrence)! He is a very fast crawler, so I am anticipating he will be walking soon and into everything!


Julie and Dean said...
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Julie and Dean said...

He is getting so big. I just love the video of him!